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From the Desk

of Jeanne Kolenda,

Seasoned Roofers Are Thriving, BUT There's A Mega-Surge Of New Roofing Businesses That Are Struggling And Need Your Help!


I've discovered a copy-and-paste-easy strategy that makes new roofing businesses instantly competitive and profitable...

AND, I've also discovered a

fast way to turn these businesses into lifelong monthly passive income clients! 

Todd U.

"When I opened my business in 2018, Jeanne was recommended to me by a colleague in another city. She and her husband even traveled to my location and took professional photos and video and we spent a couple days strategizing on how to grow my business. Within 24 months, we had topped 2 million annually. Priceless service!" - Todd U, Arlington, TX

Why Roofers?

Many of you know, I started serving roofers in 2010 and it's been a million dollar niche for me! 

Even better, there's even more to go around today! 

The roofing industry is the IDEAL market for marketing agencies to flourish because this business is NEVER going away... Let's face it, people will always need roofs and roofing related services.

Roofers aren't going into business to "give it a try"... they're not just in it for the short-term, nor are they quick to switch gears if their venture hits a rough patch...

ABSOLUTELY NOT... they are DRIVEN to succeed and are acutely aware of it.

So why aren't all roofers riding this wave of success?

In 2022, the roofing industry saw a major influx of new entrants. The year also marked a significant rise in the overall number of new roofing businesses.

So, with the surge

of new roofing businesses each

year since, many good roofers are struggling to build their business.

Even more challenging, industry insiders suggest that trends could lead to an oversaturation of roofing companies for years to come!

So Roofing Competition

IS Getting More &

More Intense!

These new

roofers often

have significant investments and

are faced with building a

reputable business...


And remember they probably spent years apprenticing with other roofers and know NOTHING about marketing!

Honestly, many new roofers don't even know that marketing matters.

BUT, without effective marketing, newer roofing businesses

Have Little Chance Of Success!

(And remember, we're going to show how to find these new roofing businesses!)

...and that's where you and I come in. We can help these new roofers stand out amidst all the competition and build their business fast.

BUT That's

Not All

The same dynamic strategies we use for veteran roofers and newer ones work wonders for Commercial Roofing, ResidentialRoofing, and Green/Eco-Friendly Roofing!

In fact, all three roofing niches could be termed,

"The Triad Of Tops!"

Maybe that's a stretch (LOL) but I've figured out how to cover all the roofing territory and...

Patrick Tuttle

I create software for SEO and have hundreds of buyers and students. I've been recommending Jeanne Kolenda's training and social media expertise for many years. Her marketing chops are WAY above most, and I always know my clients will get the best of the best when Jeanne and her team are involved. This Roofing offer is the best! Patrick Tuttle ~~ The Ranking Store

Bring in MAJOR Fees

Every Month!

Many major roofing marketing firms cater to the colossal roofing companies (and the roofing conglomerates)... This shows us that these big players wouldn't target roofers unless they knew roofers were going to spend plenty for marketing help.

BUT hardly anyone is zeroing in on the smaller roofing firms and start up businesses. Truly, there's an untapped goldmine here,

with minimal competition.

The Key To Marketing To Roofers

Forget about what you think works with roofers... because I know what actually does work with roofers. (Remember, I have been working with them for 10 years) What worked in the past does not work now, but what we have now works better.

Forget the draining cold calls everyone claims are essential. They aren't, but, a if you choose to use this method, we have developed ways to do it

much easier with less stress.

Let's face it, you can be the most courteous consultant around, and still hit a wall. 

Hey, once upon a time, I was convinced there was a conventional approach and centered my attention on the major roofing companies...

I assumed, 'bigger firms mean bigger budgets, so they're the ideal targets?' 

Right?  WRONG.

Here's the reality, folks:

These poor outcomes you've likely experienced from pursuing roofers in the past...

Can Now Be

Turned Around!

What You Get Paid Is A Function Of WHO You Speak To...Not What You Sell.

My success comes down to 3 simple things:

1. WHO I Target.

2. HOW I Reach Out.

3. WHAT I Offer.

And trust me, that's EXACTLY what I'll be sharing with YOU. If you can replicate my simple methods, and dedicate some time to go through the training...


Nail these foundational principles and watch your sales soar... reaching heights you never imagined possible...

BUT, sidestep my tried-and-true guidance and you'll find yourself mired in mediocre results, constant setbacks, and maybe even contemplating throwing in the towel.

It's tragic, especially when you consider that, much like a marathoner only a stride away from victory, you're on the brink of unlocking the secrets to acquiring these 'Prime' Roofing clients.



NOW, you can leverage the same strategies I developed and am using at this very moment to rack up client after client!

You’re about to gain access to a BULLETPROOF Roofing Prospecting and Marketing blueprint that empowers ANYONE to produce

high-powered, foolproof marketing campaigns.

...NOW you'll swiftly reach out to the ideal roofer prospects who align with our profit goals AND...

Quickly Expand YOUR Agency!

Steven Lloyd

"My company markets for home improvement contractors - roofing, painting, flooring, etc. This material Jeanne is offering is rock solid. Jeanne's training has helped us help our clients for several years. Many marketers just talk about what they sell - but Jeanne is actually DOING IT!  Roofing Bonanza stands out above the rest."

Why Roofing Prospects

Are Irresistibly Drawn

To Your Offer!

Let me give it to you straight.

I know roofers and clients in general only desire one thing:


As long as it's legit and adheres to good ethics, they're on board. Roofers don't sweat the small stuff, nor do they want a behind-the-scenes peek into our complex processes.

What draws roofers to our approach is our ability to deliver:

1. Consistent Results

2. Replicable Outcomes

3. An UNBEATABLE Return on Investment

What I'll show you isn't just a concept - it's a tried and true method ensuring that ensures you don't waste your time

or money.

STOP Worrying Where

Your Next Client Is Coming From!

This fail-safe roofing marketing system brings in top-notch clients the way a well-oiled machine churns out precision results.


Roofing Bonanza is decidedly NOT for every marketer...

It's NOT for marketers who want to push sub-par services onto desperate roofers.

It's NOT for marketers who wish to lure unsuspecting roofers with deceptive offers...

It's NOT for marketers who want to deal in illusions rather than genuine solutions...

It's SOLELY for genuine marketers who desire quality commitments from roofers who genuinely need what you're offering. For these marketers, the Roofing Bonanza Money system is like a refreshing downpour in a

dry season.

Roofing Bonanza Money System

Spend just a couple of hours a day diving deep into what I'm showing you about the roofing industry, and what services will deliver results, and your business income could begin to skyrocket.

You'll be equipped to understand what services to offer that match your particular skills. You probably won't offer everything, but you'll be able to choose wisely.

See, the secret to standing out in today's competitive consultant landscape is knowing how to neutralize your competition.

With Roofing Bonanza strategies at your disposal, securing clients becomes a breeze and can eventually...

Turn Into A

Flood Of Opportunities!

Devon H.

"I can't thank Jeanne Kolenda enough for all the help she provided when we started our roofing business in 2015. We now have a beautiful website, social media sites, and a reputation system in place. We've grown over the years and still look to Jeanne and her team to guide us in this ever-changing digital world. I'll just stick to roofing!" - Devon H. Nashville, TN

This is available by Instant Download as soon as you order:

Graphics ($299 Value)

*60 - Brand New Roofing Graphics (Can be used on social media, websites, etc)

*60 - Commercial Roofing Graphics

*60 - Green/Eco-Friendly Roofing Graphics

(Comments sheets for posting are included)

Training Manual ($97 Value)

*80 Page Training Manual For Marketing To Roofers (PDF)

SHORT REPORTS for Your Education on the Roofing Industry! ($139 Value)

*Roofing Market

*What Roofers Need For SEO Results

*The Roofing Digital Marketing Guide for 2023

*9 (Fresh & Unique) SEO Tips For Roofers in 2023

*The Google Business Profile Guide For Roofers

*Content Marketing: 7 Tips For Roofing Companies In 2023

*From Shingles To Social Media: How Roofing Businesses Can Dominate The Digital Marketing Landscape

*Five-Day Email Sequences For Offering ($149 Value)

   -Social Media Posting Services

   -Premium Website Design Services

  -SEO Services

*Proven Phone Scripts For Offering ($97 Value)

  -Social Media Posting Services

  -Premium Website Design Services

  -SEO Services

*Prospecting Letters For Offering ($97 Value)

  -Social Media Posting Services

  -Premium Website Design Services

  -SEO Services

*Agreements and Forms ($297 Value)

  -Service Agreement / Contract

  -Non-Disclousure Agreement (NDA)

  -Proposal Quote Form

  -Date Use and Privacy Agreement

  -Intellectual Property Agreement

  -Performance Metrics and Reporting Agreement

  -Feedback and Revision Form

  -Onboarding Form / Questionnaire

  -Payment and Invoice Form

  -Project Completion and Acceptance Form

  -Cancellation / Termination Form

  -Testimonial and Review Agreement

Facebook Ads & Templates ($299 Value)

*5 Editable Roofing Facebook Ads

*5 Editable (In Canva) Roofing Facebook Ad Templates

Facebook Group Membership ($499 Value)

You're getting

a total value today of $1973!

Check Out These Gorgeous Social Posting Images:

Check Out These Editable Facebook Ad Templates:

Every aspect of these Ads are editable in Canva! You can change the wording, the colors, etc to match the brands of your client!

I'll state upfront, this caliber of roofer marketing material is beyond anything you've ever seen.

Can you imagine why I dedicated countless hours refining this and why I'm so eager to unveil it to you? There's nothing of its kind out there.

This is an astonishing collection of marketing materials so groundbreaking, and so critically sought-after, it can revolutionize your Local Marketing Journey from the moment you embark.

You'll grasp what it feels like to stand out as the most SOUGHT-AFTER Roofing Marketing Consultant, raking in fees many can only imagine.

And you'll achieve this with utmost professionalism, class, and integrity.


It's important for me to be clear about one thing...

I want you to succeed and will do everything possible to make that happen. Of course you'll do your part, but helping consultants like you grow their marketing practice isn't just a business to me...

Yours Truly,

Jeanne Kolenda

It's MY Passion.

Specialists in the roofing business frequently suggest I should be pricing my training and tools much higher. Some even label me as 'crazy.' But my true intention isn't just about maximizing profit (it never was). My primary focus is to make a genuine impact.

Every day, I'm on a mission to identify marketing niches that crave SOLUTIONS, ensuring that my business (and by extension, yours) flourishes and profits.

I've always believed that if I can create the right tools and strategies, the roofing consultancy world will take notice.

Is Roofing Bonanza

For Every Consultant?

I've got to be honest with you...this opportunity might not be for everyone.

Here's why: To excel in this, you must possess a unique blend of determination and resilience, especially when you're venturing into self-employment. It requires more grit than the average 9-5 job.

I'm committed to providing you with unparalleled tools, training, and support. You won't be navigating this journey alone. If this sounds like a challenge you're up for, then Roofing Bonanza is waiting for you. Join us now.

Now, Think About This...

What If

Roofing Bonanza

Truly Delivers?

You might be skeptical, questioning if Roofing Bonanza can really make a difference for you. It's natural to feel this way, given that not every opportunity aligns with everyone's aspirations.

Imagine for a moment I'm mistaken and this doesn't suit your needs. At worst? You've devoted a bit of time, parted with a modest sum, and acquired valuable insights—even if you decide the roofing market isn't your perfect match. That's a minimal risk when you consider the potential knowledge gained.

However, what if I'm spot on? What if Roofing Bonanza is the missing piece to your puzzle? What if it revolutionizes your sales and business trajectory? How will you feel then?

Chances are, you'll regard it as one of the smartest moves you've made in a long time, won't you?

Limited Time Special Bonuses

First 4 Days ONLY!

Bonus #1. Roofing Social Media Help Guides

*Social Media Help Guides For:

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Page On Facebook

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Page On Instagram

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Profile and Page On LinkedIn

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Page On Google Business Profile

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Page On Pinterest

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Page On TikTok

  -Setting Up The Best Roofing Page On YouTube 

Bonus #2. Transform Your Home Into A Cash Machine: Effective Ways To Transform Your Home Into A Business

Bonus #3. The Savvy Entrepreneur: The Ultimate Guide To Entrepreneruial Success - Mindset, Strategies, and Beyond

Bonus #4. Social Media Optimization Guide

New Consultant or Seasoned?

Both Paths Lead to Success.

Regardless of whether you're just discovered the roofing niche or you've been profiting from it for years, this new system can put you on a course for unlimited success and prosperity.

Now's your other golden moment to fortify the foundation of your roofing venture AND unlock the secrets of a lucrative niche tailored for local roofing specialists.

This is your ONLY invitation so consider it very carefully.

Pay close attention... this isn't just any system. It's one I've poured my heart and soul into all year long. I've been waiting to bring this to you and now it's primed and ready for you to harness

its potential.

This Is The ONLY Time You'll

Get It At This Price!

I'm not just a lecturer or trainer, I am also a serious PRACTITIONER. I'm revealing to you the EXACT strategy I use to bring Roofing clients to my business...and I have done this for over 10 years.

Truth be told, even if this cost you $50,000 and you had to refinance your home, give up your vehicle, and survive on instant noodles, it would still be an absolute steal.

In fact, if you don’t see a tenfold return on this minor investment within the next year, then you’re simply not putting in the effort.

Now Relax, It Isn't Going

To Cost $50,000!

But you won't be shelling out a fraction of that, not even the $5,000 that my personal coaching clients have invested over time.

Not $399

Not $299

Not $199

Not even $99

We've whittled the price down to...
a surprisingly modest $37.

That's less than the cost of a meal for two at a local diner, including a tip... Even the most budget-conscious

start-up can manage that.

Follow my simple steps, and your return on investment could skyrocket to 500 times the fee in just the first year!

Yes, you heard right. A substantial income is right at your fingertips.

The Clock Is Ticking!

Don't Miss Out on This Opportunity...(Trust me, you'll regret letting this pass you by.)

On the checkout page, you will be given the opportunity to purchase 5 unique Roofing YouTube Videos. These videos cover topics in the roofing industry that roofers will love to share with their clients. Plus, they are editable in Canva.

[Refund Policy] Due to the nature of the digital assets in this offer, there are NO REFUNDS. When you purchase, you can't exactly "give them back." And why would you, anyway?

Also, please be advised you cannot resell the social media graphics to your clients. You do have a license to post the graphics on your client's social media and websites.

For support contact: [email protected]

That will take you to our Zendesk support ticket system which is monitored constantly. You can expect a reply typically on the same day.

Content Paid and Sponsored by: Roofing Bonanza


**This page receives compensation for clicks on or purchase of products featured on this site.

*Earnings and income representations made by Jeanne Kolenda are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. I can in NO way guarantee you will get similar results The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures and those of students that worked extremely hard. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of doing internet marketing for 10+ years, and have an established following as a result. The average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you.

© 2023 Roofing Bonanza